How To Set Up For Your Grand Opening
The day has finally arrived to announce your company to the community and begin your business. Having a celebration to mark this occasion will attract potential clients to your shop and begin a relationship with many of them. There are many items to plan to ensure that you have a successful event. Here are a few ideas to consider as you set up for your grand opening.
Get Your Facility Prepared
Count how many invitations you have sent out and calculate how many guests you are expecting. Analyze your space to determine where the festivities will be. If you have a shop, fill your Store Fixtures with products so that your customers can browse while they are there. Apply for a permit if you intend to hold this celebration in the street, on the sidewalk, or in your parking lot. There could be city ordinances that require that you do so.
Determine the Type Of Opening That You Want
As you plan the schedule of the day, consider what you want to accomplish. Debate if you want to have a sale for the customers that visit you and what type of discount you wish to offer them. You can have a fundraiser, such as a food drive, for a charity in your community. You can bring an instructor into your facility to teach a class or do a demonstration. Treats and beverages will also attract attention from the public and entice them to visit you.
Announce Your Event
Plan a marketing campaign that details the events of your grand opening. List any prizes that you intend to give away and what the criteria is to win them. Announce what guest appearances or instructors will be there and what time they are expected. Let the public know what sales are happening and the products that are available to be purchased. Publicize this on your website, your social media accounts, and through your email list. Research what your target market is and advertise to try to reach them. This can include television, radio and newspaper. You can also send out postcards and fliers to your neighbors to invite them personally.
Hire a Staff
With the traffic that you will have on the days of your event, you might need extra employees to help take care of them. Reach out to family and friends for recommendations of people who might be interested in a short term position.