Biodynamic Wine – What Is It?
As you shop around your favourite wine store or browse wine brands online, you may come across the term Biodynamic Wine and wonder what it means and how it differs from conventional wine. Well, wonder no more! Here are the basic facts about biodynamic wine so that you can make an informed decision when selecting your next bottle of wine.
What is Biodynamic Wine?
Biodynamic wine is organic, meaning that it meets certain standards for pesticide use, fertilization, etc. But to call it organic would be inaccurate. Organic wine only guarantees that pesticides were not used—it does not guarantee any other sustainable or organic practices. Biodynamic wine goes beyond organic practices and calls for strict control of all aspects of grape production. The result is a truly environmentally friendly product that’s also exceptionally delicious.
Is biodynamic wine better than organic wine?
One of the best ways to enjoy fine wine is by learning about it, and one of the best ways to learn about wine is to go on a winery tour. Although biodynamic wines are not necessarily better than organic wines or other labels, it’s important to understand that different styles of wine lend themselves well for certain kinds of terroir. Biodynamic vintners tend to produce earthier and more rustic wines, as opposed to those made with French-American hybrid grapes which end up tasting very similar from region to region. It’s all a matter of taste, but if you want a wine that speaks volumes about your unique terroir, consider going biodynamic.
Is biodynamic wine worth the money?
In 1938, Dr. Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher and educator who founded anthroposophy (the philosophical study of man), introduced a system of agriculture called biodynamics. The concept is based on four principles: composting, crop rotation, fostering a symbiotic relationship between soil and vine, and relying on lunar cycles for cultivation. Biodynamic farming has been successful in organic agriculture but many wine experts believe it yields superior results when it comes to organic or natural wines because it better incorporates aspects like sunlight intensity and temperature fluctuations with vine growth than organically-certified winemaking does. Biodynamic winemakers often strive to treat their vines naturally so that they can produce high-quality grapes unadulterated by herbicides or pesticides that typically contain synthetic chemicals.
What are the health benefits of biodynamic wine?
All wines are either produced organically or conventionally. While organic wine is not necessarily biodynamic, most experts agree that biodynamics brings organic practices to a new level. Biodynamics is based on Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy of anthroposophy which says that humans should learn how to live in harmony with nature. Biodynamic wine growers believe that natural fertilizers and pesticides are best for crops so they look to organic compounds like coffee grounds, eggshells, and green manure rather than chemicals.
Why is biodynamic winemaking important?
One of my favorite aspects of biodynamic winemaking is that it focuses on creating a microcosm of life in your bottle. Biodynamic wines are made with love, care, and are cultivated in a way that has its roots planted in respect for nature’s balance. Winemakers work hard to be sure they aren’t harming their environment. Thus, you can trust what you are drinking is not only natural but actually good for you. To read more about how biodynamics effects wine quality ask your local wine merchant.